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Poverty and Mental Health: Challenges and Opportunities for Children and Families

The report by the Centre for Mental Health  and BBC Children in Need  unveils significant disparities that demand our attention and offers recommendations on how funders should respond to these challenges.

Poverty is among the most pressing problems in our society right now, and in recent years, the rate of people living in poverty has been steadily rising. In the UK, an estimated 4.3 million children and young people were living in poverty in 2022-23. That is the same as 9 children in an average classroom.

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Wellbeing Resources for Muslims

Good Thinking has teamed up with London’s Muslim communities to create mental wellbeing resources that align with Islamic beliefs and teachings. Their collection of guides and videos is designed to support Muslims in London with improving their well-being and coping with loss, some are available in multiple languages.

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Young Minds: Mental health advice for young Muslims

Being a young Muslim in the UK comes with unique challenges that can impact mental health. It’s crucial to have support that respects both faith and cultural identity. Explore the mental health advice guide created by Young Minds in collaboration with Muslim Youth Helpline, specifically tailored for young British Muslims.

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Young Minds: A self-care guide for young Muslims

It’s normal to have ups and downs, but if you’re struggling, there are things you can do that can really help. Practising self-care can be one of them. Check out Young Minds’s faith- friendly guide to self-care.

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Perinatal Mental Health Support for Muslim Communities Insight Report

This Starting Well project responds to the mental health and wellbeing needs of pregnant women and new mums from the Muslim community of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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Muslim Mental Health in Schools Toolkit: The first step

Muslim Mind Collaborative embarked on a journey of research, consultation and intellectual interrogation to produce our toolkit resource which aids schools in improving faith literacy and cultural sensitivity.

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Faith Equity in Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing

In April 2022, the UK government published a discussion paper on a proposed 10 year plan for mental health, alongside a call for evidence with specific questions on the proposal. MMC responded to this call, which can be seen here.
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´Resilient Me´ a partnership programme with BCBN and The Children’s Society (2019)

Resilient Me’s whole school approach makes mental health and wellbeing everyone’s business, with all parts of the school community working together.

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Muslim Heritage Children in Care: Supporting Identity and Wellbeing

My Family Group’s Annual Roundtable Report is aimed at impacting long-term, sustainable and positive change for Muslim-heritage children in care.

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Talking with your children

Discusses Islamophobia and hate-based violence against Muslims with children. This fact sheet highlights, for parents and caregivers

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CareStart is an extensive research and support project exploring the social reintegration and rehabilitation of British Muslim ex-offenders after they leave the justice system

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How social media impact Muslim mental health

With social media becoming more popular, it raises many questions, is it dangerous for your mental health?

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´Muslim Mental Health Matters Report´ by the Lantern Initiative

In June 2021, The Lantern Initiative collaborated alongside Muslim academics to launch a national survey to understand the experiences and attitudes of Muslim communities toward mental health support.

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