About us
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The Muslim Mind Collaborative (MMC) has been formed as a result of years of research and community consultations conducted into the mental health and wellbeing of British Muslims and drawing on academia, statutory services, community practitioners, faith leaders, faith-led and psychotherapy services and those with lived experiences. Our aim is to widen the parameters of the agenda on mental health to consider the needs of faith.
“Be a part of this much needed initiative and help create a change by joining Muslim Mind, which aims to build a collaborative of faith-based and mental health service providers, community leaders and professionals, that highlight, advocate for support the mental health and positive wellbeing of Muslim communities across the UK.“ – Rt Hon. Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP, Shadow Minister for Mental Health
Launched in 2021 by the Better Community Business Network, Director and Founder, Sabah Gilani OBE

We seek to maintain a community-centric approach, integrating local, regional and national services under a common purpose, to improve health outcomes for marginalised and under-represented communities.

Building a legacy
By doing so, we hope to put Muslims and faith communities on the map, to lead on our own narrative and improve the way mainstream and public services engage and respond. We hope to build a lasting legacy of appropriate mental health and wellbeing support for Muslim communities across the UK.

Increase engagement
We want to enhance community efforts through recognition, signposting and integrating faith-based and community services into mainstream and statutory services, to increase access and engagement.
Working together to change minds

We work for the improvement of faith literacy in mental health services by sharing ideas, recommendations, insights and opportunities

We identify and support a funding gap agenda and opportunities

We build upon research and relevant policy narratives and recommendations to enhance advocacy and mental health service improvement
We want to welcome new members who can join for FREE. what they get in return is quarterly newsletters to stay informed on any new research, information, sector insights on mental health and wellbeing of Muslim communities in the UK. Access to quarterly members meeting to share presentations and activities with other service providers and learn from others in an interactive way. Explore collaborative opportunities with other members on campaigns, joint projects and bids etc, helping to address mental health and wellbeing of disadvantaged communities and faith groups.
The Better Community Business Network (BCBN)
is a registered charity set up by a group of business people and professionals that have come together to support local community projects that make a real difference to the communities they serve: www.bcbn.org.uk
Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest (Mind CHWF)
About Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest : we are a multi-disciplinary provider of specialist mental health services and a part of the Mind Federation. We promote both recovery from ill health for people with recurrent and enduring mental health difficulties and early intervention and mental/physical wellbeing for those at risk of developing mental health issues or who struggle with common mental health conditions. We currently support around 5000 people a year through a variety of services focusing on psychological and social supports, economic and workplace wellbeing, and support for minoritised communities.
Our values are:
Connected: Creating a compassionate and supportive community.
Fair: We strive for equity- no-one’s needs should go unmet.
Brave: We walk with people, offering help by doing what works – proven or new.
Mind CHWF are key partners in the Muslim Mind Collaborative on behalf of the Mind Network.
The Mind Network is made up of over 100 local charities working in partnership with each other and the national campaigning charity Mind, to improve mental health of communities across the country. Together we’re fighting for mental health. For support. For respect. For you.
In 2022-3 local Minds ran 1188 services, supporting 470,000 people.
To find out more visit https://www.mind.org.uk/about-
The Markfield Institute of Higher Education
has been running for 20 years. Since its inception it has been driven by the unique purpose of carrying out objective and critical studies of Islam and Muslims, and to provide alternative perspectives and insights into emerging contemporary issues and strategies to address them. The Centre for the Study of Muslim Wellbeing has been set up to take this work further, focusing on developing and bringing light the expertise within communities through academia and to research: www.mihe.ac.uk